What is a free online age calculator?

Our free online age calculator allows users to calculate the chronological age of a human being. You just need to provide your date of birth and current date to calculate your age. Our tool shows your age in different formats, like years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds.

This tool not only calculates the human age, but you can also calculate the age of other things since their production till stay on earth.

The chronological age means the number of years a person has lived since their birth. It is written in the form of a year, month and date. Although there are many different ways to calculate the human age according to different cultures, yet chronological age is commonly used.

You can easily find the choronological age by subtracting the birth year, month and date from the current year, month and date. You can check the age manually by using this method or by using our free online age calculator, which does it automatically.

How to calculate the age online

You can easily calculate the age from your birthdate by using our Free Online Age Calculator by these follwing steps:

Step 1:
Put the actual date of birth and the current date in the given boxes.
Step 2:
Tap the calculate age button.
Step 3:
Your age is display on the screen in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between chronological age and biological age?

The chronological age is the actual age of a human being since birth, but the biological age is the age of cells in the human body according to their conditions.

Do I have to download some kind of app to use this age calculating tool?

No, you don't need to download any apps to use this tool. Our tool is an online tool, so you can calculate your age in the browser.

How can I calculate the age of monuments or buildings?

You can easily calculate the age of monuments or buildings by entering the year, month and date they were constructed and the current date.

What should I do to calculate my age?

You should only need the birthdate and the current date. Our online age calculator displays your age on the screen within seconds.

Does the leap year affect the age calculation?

No, the leap year doesn't affect the age calculation.

How can I calculate my age if I'm born on February 29?

You can calculate your age by simply entering your date of birth and the current date. Our tool calculates your actual date by adding 4 days extra to it because a leap year contains 366 days and a normal year has 365 days.