About Online Case Converter

The case converter tool is an online, free text tool used to convert the case of your text into different formats according to your requirements. You can choose these case conversions like upper case, lower case, sentence case, toggle case, and alternative case. Apart from text conversion we display the word count and character count on your screen.

Upper Case Converter

The UPPERCASE converter tool is used to convert all letters of your text from lowercase to uppercase. Uppercase conversion can be useful for many purposes such as creating titles, headings and acronyms. It is commonly used in pdf files and doc files to highlight a specific word or phrase and hence it ensures that clarity and better readability.

Just type or copy-paste your text into the case converter tool and click on the 'UPPER CASE' button. This online case conversion tool will work on your text and convert the text case into uppercase within seconds.

For example: the word 'uppercase converter' is convert into 'UPPERCASE CONVERTER'

Lower Case Converter

The Uppercase to lowercase converter tool is used to transform all letters of the given text into their smaller form. In other words all the letter cases are converted from capitals to lowercase.

Just type or copy-paste your text into the case converter tool and click on the 'lower case' button. This online case conversion tool will work on your text and convert the text case into lowercase within seconds.

For example: the word 'LOWERCASE CONVERTER' is convert into 'lowercase converter'.

Sentence Case Converter

The sentence case converter converts your text into sentence case. In sentence case, only the first letter of the sentence is capitalized, and the other letters of the sentence are in lowercase. The sentence case is used for making newspaper headlines, article titles, email subjects, social media posts, product names etc.

Just type or copy-paste your text into the case converter tool and click on the 'sentence case' button. This online case conversion tool will work on your text and convert the text case into sentence case within seconds.

For example, 'convert text case' is written as 'Convert text case'.

Title Case Converter

Title case converter ensures that the first letter of each word of your text should be capital and all other remaining letters in lowercase. Title cases are used for making titles of books, articles, headlines, chapters, and email subjects for better readability.

Just type or copy-paste your text into the case converter tool and click on the 'Title Case' button. This online case conversion tool will work on your text and convert the text case into title case within seconds.

for example - 'title case converter' convert into 'Title Case Converter'.

Alternate Case Converter

The alternate case converter tool switches the case of letters, converting lowercase into uppercase and uppercase into lowercase in an alternating manner while keeping the first letter lowercase.

The alternate case is used in social media posts, article titles and highlight the specific text, resulting in improved visual appeal.

Just type or copy-paste your text into the case converter tool and click on the 'aLtErNaTe cAsE' button. This online case conversion tool will work on your text and convert the text case into title case within seconds.

for example - 'alternate case' convert into 'aLtErNaTe cAsE'.

Toggle Case Converter

The toogle case converter tool convert all the given text case from lower case to upper case and upper case to lower case.

The toggle case text tool is used when you accidentally type all the letters of your text in uppercase due to the Caps Lock key being on. Instead of rewriting the text, this tool transforms its case accordingly

Just type or copy-paste your text into the case converter tool and click on the 'tOGGLE cASE' button. This online case conversion tool will work on your text and convert the text case into toggle case within seconds.

for example - 'toggle case' convert into 'TOGGLE CASE'.

How to use the Case Converter tool

The Case Converter tool on Webzify is free, easy to use and user-friendly, requiring no captcha or any registration. follow the steps below:

Step 1:
Type or paste the text you want to convert into the text area.
Step 2:
Click the option button to change the given text into different cases (e.g., upper case, lower case, sentence case, title case, mixed case, or inverse case).
Step 3:
The converted text will be displayed automatically on the screen.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many options are there in the case converter tool?

Our case converter tool provide many case conversion options such as uppercase, lowercase, title case, sentence case and more.

Can you use this tool for free?

Yes, you can use this case converter tool completely free of cost.

Can I count the number of words and characters using this case converter tool?

Yes, you can count the number of words and characters of your given text by using this tool.