How to convert inches to centimeters?

Any physical quantity can be written as:

Q = nu , where n= numerical value and u = unit used

We know that:

1 in = 2.54 cm

1 cm = 0.393701 in

So, You can easily convert your quantity in inches to cm by simply multiply it by 2.54.

Hence , general formula To convert inches to centimeters:

p(cm) = 2.54 × p(in), where p is the numerical value

For example

Convert 10 inches to centimeters by using inches to centimeters formula:

10 in = 10 × 2.54 cm = 25.4 cm

Popular Inches to Centimeters Conversion Table

Inch (in or “) Centimetre (cm)
1/2 in 1.27 cm
1 in 2.54 cm
2 in 5.08 cm
3 in 7.62 cm
4 in 10.16 cm
5 in 12.70 cm
6 in 15.24 cm
7 in 17.78 cm
8 in 20.32 cm
9 in 22.86 cm
10 in 25.40 cm
12 in 30.48 cm
16 in 40.64 cm
18 in 45.72 cm
23 in 58.42 cm
26 in 66.04 cm
31 in 78.74 cm
40 in 101.6 cm
42 in 106.68 cm
48 in 121.92 cm
70 in 177.8 cm
90 in 228.6 cm
96 in 243.84 cm
100 in 254 cm

About Inch (in)

Name of unit: Inch

Abbreviation: in

Symbol: ''

Unit system: Imperial System

Definition: Inch is the unit of length used in both British Imperial (BI) and US Customary (USC) systems of measurements. One inch is equal to 1/12th of a foot or 1/36th of a yard. Yard, inch, foot and mile are US Customary units of length. In metric system , one inch is equal to 2.54 cm or 0.0254 m.

Uses of inch: Inch is used to measure the length, distance or height of smaller things in our day-to-day life.

Example: paper, clothes, furniture etc. Inch is used to measure the length and size of display screens for laptops, LCDs etc like 43 inch smart tv ( 43'' ).

Countries that use Inch: Inch is used to measure the length or height of objects in the US Customary system of measurements. So the countries that use the inch as the unit of length are Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Liberia and Myanmar. Also Japan and Europe use inches for measuring display screens.

Centimetre (cm)

Name of unit: centimetre

Abbreviation: cm

Unit system: Centi-Gram-Second (CGS)

Definition: Cm ( centimetre ) is the metric unit of length widely used internationally to measure the length of objects or distances in everyday life. In SI units, the fundamental unit of length is the metre and 'centi' refers to the prefix of the metre which is equal to 0.01 (1 cm = 0.01 m). Thus , we can say that a centimetre is one hundreth of a metre. While cm is used in both SI (International System of Units) and CGS (Centi-Gram-Second) units of length , it is not officially recognized as part of the SI system of units.

Uses: centimetres are used in everyday life for measuring distances , heights of various objects and by professionals in fields like science, mathematics, architecture and construction for accurate measurements.

Countries that use CM: All other countries around the world, except the US, Liberia and Myanmar uses the metric system.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many inches are there in one centimeter?

There are 0.393701 inches in one centimeter i.e. 1 cm = 0.393701 inches .

How many centimeters make one inch?

One inch makes 2.54 cm i.e. 1 in = 2.54 cm

How many cm form 10 inches?

There are 25.40 cm in 10 inches . For 10 inches to cm conversion, you can easily multiply 10 by conversion factor 2.54 and get the desired result.

What is the conversion factor for inches to cm?

The conversion factor for inches to cm is equal to 2.54.

Can I say cm is metric system of unit?

Yes cm is one of the metric system of unit while inches are part of imperial system of unit.

Which unit can I use to calculate the exact height? Inch or cm?

Height measures in cm give you the accurate result because cm is decimal based unit while inch is fractional. so decimal based gives more precise result than fractional.

Can I use inches or cm to measure the height of human?

You can use both units to measure the height of human whatever you like. But, in the US, inches are used to compute the height of person and cm in other countries.

What is inches to cm formula?

Inches to cm conversion formula is: (value) inch x 2.54 = (value) cm
For example : convert 12 inches to cm by using inch to cm formula like this:
12 inch x 2.54 = 30.48 cm

How do i convert inches to cm?

You can easily convert your inches to cm amount by simply multiply it by 2.54.